NicSelect™ Organoleptic TEst Score - NOTES©, certifies the world's cleanest nicotine

Only NicSelect™ Nicotine is full spectrum organoleptically tested and certified by NOTES©, our revolutionary technology that profiles and controls the organoleptic properties of every batch of nicotine we manufacture. NOTES© redefines nicotine quality, ensuring unparalleled purity, sensory excellence and batch-to-batch consistency – a game-changer for next-generation nicotine products.

NOTES©: redefining nicotine quality


Developed by our R&D and Operations teams, NOTES© integrates sensory evaluation, regression analysis, and AI machine learning to identify and control volatile aromatics at ppm and ppb levels that influence nicotine’s stability, odour, and taste.

By understanding these aromatics, Alchem NicSelect™ fine-tunes production controls to standardise an organoleptic score for every batch, ensuring unrivalled nicotine quality. NOTES© is setting a new benchmark in the vaping and nicotine pouch industry, addressing stability, impurities, and sensory variability to deliver the best possible consumer experience each time, every time.

Every batch NOTES© tested


For the best next-generation nicotine products, vapes, e-liquids, and nicotine pouches, choose NicSelect™ Nicotine certified by NOTES©.

Clear like water: Ultra-clean, ultra-pure, ultra-stable to avoid rapid colouration of e-liquids and pouches.

No bad odours: No unwanted and unpleasant aromas.

Never a bad taste: Clean and free from undesirable flavours.

Remarkably batch-to-batch consistent: Every batch NOTES© tested to guarantee consistent organoleptic perfection.

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