Nicotina Aplicaciones
Soluciones Ilimitadas
Ofrecemos una amplia gama de productos de nicotina para vapear, bolsas de nicotina y terapia de sustitución de nicotina.
Nuestros centros de I+D en la India, Alemania e Italia ofrecen soluciones innovadoras respaldadas por datos y datos científicos de calidad, nuestro equipo de ventas es reactivo y se adapta a las oportunidades y la evolución del mercado, y nuestras soluciones logísticas y de almacenamiento global permiten una entrega rápida en todo el mundo.

E-líquidos y Vapeo
Desde la introducción de los cigarrillos electrónicos en 2006, Alchem NicSelect™ ha estado a la vanguardia de la industria del vapeo brindando calidad y pureza a los líquidos electrónicos e impulsando la innovación como fabricante líder de nicotina pura, bases de nicotina y sales de nicotina.
Durante la adopción de la Directiva Europea de Productos del Tabaco (TPD) y los Reglamentos Tobacco Deeming de la FDA de EE. UU., Alchem NicSelect™ ha ayudado a los clientes a satisfacer las demandas de un entorno más regulado proporcionando conformidad con REACH y TPD, Drug Master Files, CEP y Tobacco Product Master Files (TPMF) para ditartrato de nicotina y base de nicotina en EE. UU. En 2023, Alchem NicSelect™ presentó nuestra tecnología patentada T-MAX que realmente “vapea como un cigarrillo” con una dosis rápida y fuerte de nicotina en segundos.
Mire este espacio, habrá más innovaciones por venir…

Sustitutos de la Nicotina
Alchem NicSelect™ brinda soporte regulatorio farmacéutico para clientes que usan nicotina en registros de medicamentos como chicles, pastillas, parches, aerosoles, etc., mientras los consumidores buscan alternativas a los productos de tabaco tradicionales.
Los registros NRT farmacéuticos se basan en nuestro compromiso con la calidad, instalaciones certificadas cGMP y el respaldo de Drug Master Files (DMF), PMTP Files y CEP para registros de medicamentos. Alchem es auditado periódicamente por las principales compañías farmacéuticas y agencias reguladoras del mundo, como la FDA de EE. UU., EDQM (Agencia Europea) y la OMS.

Bolsas de Nicotina
Qué es NicSelect™ Pouch’ology? El secreto detrás de las bolsitas más limpias, blancas y sabrosas, junto con una liberación excepcional de nicotina.
NicSelect™ Nicotina 3.0 para bolsas ultralimpias ultrapuras, ultraestables, de color blanco brillante, resistentes a la oxidación, la coloración y los malos olores.
Flexible and reliable manufacturing solutions from small to large scale, ensuring high-quality pouches with low defect rates for peace of mind and reliability. Obtenga más información en www.nicselectpouchology.com
Nuestra gama de productos
Product | Variant | Quality | Application | Regulatory | Documentation |
NicSelect™ Pure Nicotine 3.0 EP /USP | The world's cleanest nicotine, organoleptically tested and certified by NOTES© technology. Ultra-Clean, Ultra-Pure, Ultra-Stable. | cGMP | Pharma | USDMF, EDMF, CEP | Technical data sheet, MSDS, cGMP certificate, NOTES© Organoleptic Testing & Guarantee |
NicSelect™ Pure Nicotine 3.0 EP /USP | The world's cleanest nicotine, organoleptically tested and certified by NOTES© technology. Ultra-Clean, Ultra-Pure, Ultra-Stable. | cGMP | Next Generation Nicotine Delivery (E-liquids, Pouches etc.) | US FDA TPMF filed, REACH, EU-TPD | Technical data sheet, MSDS, cGMP certificate, NOTES© Organoleptic Testing & Guarantee |
NicSynSelect™ Pure Nicotine 3.0 SYNTHETIC EP /USP | Monograph quality, clean and clear. Ultra-Clean, Ultra-Pure, Ultra-Stable. | cGMP | Next Generation Nicotine Delivery (E-liquids, Pouches etc.) | REACH, EU-TPD | Technical data sheet, MSDS, cGMP certificate |
Pure Nicotine Standard HP (High Purity) EP /USP | Monograph quality, clean and clear. Suitable for nicotine shots and standard products. | cGMP | Next Generation Nicotine Delivery (E-liquids, Pouches etc.) | REACH, EU-TPD | Technical data sheet, MSDS, cGMP certificate |
NicSelect™ Nicotine Bases | Premium grade nicotine bases diluted on Propylene glycol (PG) or Vegetable Glycerin (VG). Made in EU under Pharma GMP (AIFA). | cGMP | Next Generation Nicotine Delivery (E-liquids, Pouches etc.) | REACH, EU-TPD | Technical data sheet, MSDS, cGMP certificate |
NicSelect™ Salt Bases | Premium grade nicotine salt bases. Choose from Benzoate, Salicylate, Lactate, Levulinate, Tartrate, Malate or Hybrids. Made in EU under Pharma GMP (AIFA). | cGMP | Next Generation Nicotine Delivery (E-liquids, Pouches etc.) | REACH, EU- TPD | Technical data sheet, MSDS, cGMP/ISO certificates |
NicSelect™ Nicotine Ditartrate Dihydrate USP/EP | Bright-white, stable, crystalline powder salt used in NRT and nicotine pouches. | cGMP | Pharma | USDMF, EDMF | Technical data sheet, MSDS, cGMP certificate |
NicSelect™ Nicotine Ditartrate Dihydrate USP/EP | Bright-white, stable, crystalline powder salt used in NRT and nicotine pouches. | cGMP | Pharma | USDMF, EDMF | Technical data sheet, MSDS, cGMP certificate |
Nicotine Resinate / Nicotine Polacrilex EP/USP | A nicotine ion-exchange resin which provides controlled release of nicotine in oral formulations such as lozenges and nicotine pouches. Used in NRT and nicotine pouches. | cGMP | Pharma | USDMF, EDMF | Technical data sheet, MSDS, cGMP certificate |
Nicotine Resinate / Nicotine Polacrilex EP/USP | A nicotine ion-exchange resin which provides controlled release of nicotine in oral formulations such as lozenges and nicotine pouches. Used in NRT and nicotine pouches. | cGMP | Next Generation Nicotine Delivery (Pouches etc.) | REACH, EU-TPD | Technical data sheet, MSDS, cGMP certificate |
Nicotine Ortho-Salicylate Powder | A pure, white, stable, crystalline powder salt used in NRT and nicotine pouches. | cGMP | Next Generation Nicotine Delivery (E-liquids, Pouches etc.) | REACH, EU-TPD | Technical data sheet, MSDS, cGMP certificate |
Nicotine Benzoate Crystals | Crystals of Nicotine Benzoate for easy in-house preparation of Nicotine benzoate salt in liquid form. | cGMP | Next Generation Nicotine Delivery (E-liquids, Pouches etc.) | REACH, EU-TPD | Technical data sheet, MSDS, cGMP certificate |
NicSelect Nicotine Pouch Intermediate and Ready-to-Run pouch powders. | Find all the information for pouch formulation technologies and solutions you need at www.nicselectpouchology.com | Find all the information for pouch formulation technologies and solutions you need at www.nicselectpouchology.com | Find all the information for pouch formulation technologies and solutions you need at www.nicselectpouchology.com | Find all the information for pouch formulation technologies and solutions you need at www.nicselectpouchology.com | Find all the information for pouch formulation technologies and solutions you need at www.nicselectpouchology.com |
Tobacco Absolute | Our range of tobacco absolutes solutions for a real tobacco taste in Vapes, Heat-Not-Burn (HnB) and Snus. | cGMP | Next Generation Nicotine Delivery (E-liquids, Pouches etc.) | Technical data sheet, MSDS, cGMP certificate |